Sunday, July 17, 2011

How do you plan to cope with the heat?

Just heard the weather and for those of us in PA, the temperatures will be in the 90’s most of the week and near the end of the week, closer to 100 degrees.   That is pretty warm.  Temperatures you would expect in  Myrtle Beach or Disney World but not in the mountains of Pennsylvania.     I’m wondering how people will endure the temperatures?
I guess there are some that love the heat and the hotter the better.  Can’t imagine anyone could be comfortable in 100 degree heat.  But I guess it is possible.
We have air conditioning in our bedrooms and our basement is very cool.  But some people have no relief.   Their houses are in the sun and no air conditioning.  Many of these people are elderly or sick.  How will they deal with temperatures pushing 100 degrees?
How will families with small children provide relief?  Will they get the hose and sprinkler out?  Head to the nearest pool?  Plan indoor activities at an air conditioned place?  
How do you stay cool on excessively hot days?  Please give me some tips to share with friends.

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