Monday, July 11, 2011

Can you afford your child?

Childrearing is expensive.  I remember how I couldn’t wait till I didn’t have to pay for childcare and though it would be like getting a raise.   And when I didn’t have to buy pampers anymore.  But no raise…the money just went for something else he was growing into.  According to a 2009 estimate by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a parent will spend $160,000 to $369,000, based on income level, to raise a child from birth to age 17.  That is a staggering amount when most people I know don’t have six figure incomes.  
As children get larger their toys get more expensive and their outings cost more.  Slinky action zone was cheap compared to Tennis Camp, Ziplining, and White water rafting.  I used to complain that my son didn’t eat enough to keep a bird alive, and now he is a teenager and I can’t keep groceries in the house.
Are you experiencing the same thing?
If you would like to check out the actual cost of your child, use this handy calculator.
So children are expensive.  But I still think they are worth it.  The rewards of parenting are far greater than any expense I could ever have. 
What are your thoughts about parenting  in this economy and the cost of raising children today?

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