Monday, July 11, 2011

7 Essential Sites for Beginning Bloggers

7 Essential Sites For Beginning Bloggers
Are you thinking about starting a blog?  Or have you started one, but are sort of stuck, not sure what to do next?  If so, take a few minutes to check out the sites listed below for beginning bloggers.  They have been very helpful to me as I began blogging and I continue to use them as a resource.   Lots of free information to help you get started successfully.
Very basic to more advanced information.  Starts with “How do I start a blog?” and covers social networking, blogging etiquette, website and blog maintenance and more.

Michele Scism provides blogging advice as well as business advice.  The site is full of information.  Michele also co-organizes the Ultimate Blog Challenge which is a great way to commit to posts and get traffic to your blog.

This site holds a wealth of information for the beginning blogger.  Info on obtaining websites, blogging ideas, working at home, starting a business and more.  Her information is easy to read and follow. She also has a variety of how to videos.  Don’t be put off by the hot pink font and decorations on her website.  It is full of great stuff.  She is also a co-organizer of the Ultimate Blog Challenge.

Ali Luke provides information on writing in general, blogging, and freelancing.  Great site for beginners and includes lots of helpful tips.

This covers blogging and monetizing your blog.  Very easy to read and understand.

This is a wonderful site about all sorts of stuff.  Mostly self help.  Some days focuses on blogging, but mostly it is just how to have a better life in general.  Great for beginners.

This site is full of information related to using WordPress.  She focuses on providing content to help you learn more about blogging and WordPress with help, tips, advice, and techniques. 

Take a few minutes and follow the above links.  Let me know if you found them helpful and if you have any sites of your own to suggest to beginners.  Just leave them in the comment area for everyone to check out.  Don’t forget to sign up for the blog so you know when the next post is live.


  1. Robin,

    I'm in Heaven! I've been eagerly devouring blogging resources, so I was expecting 3 or 4 new sites out of the 7, if I was lucky. But you've really outdone yourself in this post - a whole 7 new resources for me to sink my teeth into.

    Much fun will be had this Winter! ;-)

    Many thanks

  2. Thanks for the positive comments. I have found the links to be very helpful. I'm learning more than I did in college just by reading all the info these people post. Another great one that I failed to list is
    She focuses on helping you through the maze of online marketing.

    Now if I could just remember everything I read! lol
